Whats Another year!
Yep it was a song that Johnny Logan won the Euro vision with way back when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth (according to my kids at...

World Record Holder!!
Yes its official (almost) Sullie is a world record holder, OK along with 456 others as Part of the Worlds Largest Guitar Ensemble,...
Sullie on Bandcamp
So I have been messing around with lots of music on free sites but I am finally moving over to Bandcamp which will allow me to release...

So since my last post my family and I have upped sticks and moved to Sydney, I have a new day job. Musically I have been a bit quiet with...

Its Going to be a Busy Weekend!
I have been quiet(ish) the last few weeks, I did the Seniors Christmas party with the Irish music crew on the 6th Dec,...

It was a busy last weekend. We set off Saturday morning and hit Merredin around 3, plenty of time for setting up and sound check. Thanks...
Last Practice
Just putting my set together for tomorrow night in Merredin and Sunday night in Perth. I think I will open with this one!

Countdown to WAM Fest & Scorcher Fest
I have two gigs next weekend playing all original songs. First up is the W​​AMFEST regional showcase in the Tivoli Theatre in Merredin...

The DIY Musician
So in order to get me and my music out, I finally registered for a .com.au domain name signed up for hosting and started building a...